• 深い3Dパターンを作るホットエンボス
• 屋内使用に最適な耐久性のあるビニール
• 気泡フリーで素早く簡単に貼れる
• 本製品は屋内使用にのみ適しています
当商品は日本国内のみで販売し、国内外から国内へ向け配送します(国内外から国外への発送はしません)。 基本的に国内工場からの直送になりますが、在庫状況によって海外工場からとなります。送料は1枚目385円(税込)、2枚目以降は11円(税込)ずつ加算されます。受注してから加工するため納期は10日前後で、ポスト投函の非対面配送となります。正確な送料と納期は、お買い物カゴ内表示「通常配送 (納期の予測: ◯月△日~▢日)」で確認できます。
• Hot embossing to create deep 3D patterns
• Durable vinyl ideal for indoor use
• Bubble-free, quick and easy application
• This product is suitable for indoor use only.
This product is only sold in Japan and shipped from Japan to Japan (no shipping from Japan to overseas). Basically, it will be shipped directly from a domestic factory, but depending on the stock situation, it may be shipped from an overseas factory. Shipping costs are 385 yen (tax included) for the first sheet, and 11 yen (tax included) will be added for each subsequent sheet. Since the product is processed after receiving the order, the delivery time is about 10 days, and it will be delivered by post without meeting the customer. The exact shipping cost and delivery time can be confirmed in the shopping cart display “Normal delivery (Delivery time forecast: ◯ month △ day ~ ▢ day)”.
* Please remove any dirt from the surface before applying the sticker.
* The color of the actual product may look different from what you see on your screen.
* There will be no additional shipping charges for international shipping, but in rare cases you may be charged customs duties (approximately 10% of the product price), so please bear this.